The Cleary University Library...
Library instruction helps student retention! View Academic Library on Student Learning and Success: Findings from Assessment in Action Team Projects for more information. |
Help your students get a jump-start on their research by inviting me to your class. I will work-up an assignment-specific lesson plan to help your students going in the right direction to find your preferred resource-types.
Would you like to have a guide specific to a course you teach so that your students can easily access the best resources and information? We can work together to make that happen.
Do your students know...
If your students needs some hands-on activities to help them with these and other information literacy issues, please contact me at We can collaborate and figure out the best way to help your students learn crucial skills that will help them in their professional and personal lives.
Click the button below to initiate an online chat with a librarian day or night (24/7)! The librarian will help you find resources or figure out APA.
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