Employment Law Guide: Laws, Regulations, and Technical Assistance Services
This Guide describes the statutes and regulations administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) that affect businesses and workers. The Guide is designed mainly for those needing "hands-on" information to develop wage, benefit, safety and health, and nondiscrimination policies for businesses in general industry.
Workplace Issues
Official information and services from the U.S. government including back pay issues, child care finder, disability employment liaisons (by state), employing adults with disabilities, employment discrimination, FLSA advice, FMLA, federal employment laws assistance, foreign visitors working in the US, labor departments (by state), labor relations, labor unions (financial reports, constitutions, bylaws), paycheck issues, minimum wage information, occupations and employment statistics, occupational outlook handbook, OSHA, overtime pay requirements, public service and volunteer opportunities, USERRA advice, vocational rehabilitation agencies (by state), wage and hour issues, wages and employment by occupation, workers’ compensation, workplace safety or health hazard complaints, your rights as a worker, and youth employment rules.
US Dept of Labor: Compliance Assistance By Major Law
Provides a summary of the major laws and regulation enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor including the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act Child Labor Provisions, the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA), and the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act.
IRCA Antidiscrimination Provisions
Information about the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which includes provisions addressing employment eligibility, employment verification, and nondiscrimination.
American Bar Association: Labor & Employment Law
The Section of Labor and Employment Law is your link to information that matters to you. Our 22,000+ members represent all perspectives of labor and employment law: employer, union, employee, public, and neutral. All are committed to a balanced discussion of employment issues in the United States and abroad.
Employment Law Information Network
This site is designed for lawyers concentrating in employment law and human resource professionals who specialize in employee relations.
Human Resource Management Guide
Managing people, human capital and culture - Human Resource Management (HRM) is critical for business success. HRM Guide publishes articles and news releases about HR surveys, employment law, human resource research, HR books and careers that bridge the gap between theory and practice.
ALM’s Law.com: Employment Law Practice Center
Law.com connects legal professionals to more than 20 award-winning national and regional legal publications online, including The American Lawyer, The National Law Journal, New York Law Journal and Legal Times, and delivers top legal news electronically to a growing national and global audience of subscribers each day on The Newswire.
Jurist: Labor and Employment Law
JURIST is produced as a public service for the continuing legal education of its readers and law student staffers, and uses the latest Internet technology to track important legal news stories and materials and present them rapidly, objectively and intelligibly in an accessible, ad-free format.
The Digest of Equal Employment Opportunity Law
This publication includes feature articles on timely issues in equal employment opportunity law, as well as summaries of recent Commission decisions and federal court cases, as they affect Federal government employees.
Labor and Employment Laws of the Fifty States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico
This page links to the employment and labor laws of the states, the provisions governing the compensation, hours, and other conditions of work.
The American Legal Studies in Business Journal of Employment and Labor Law
Published by the Employment and Labor Law Section of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business.