Bureau of Economic Analysis
BEA strives to provide the most timely, relevant and accurate economic data to you, our users, to help promote a better understanding of the U.S. economy. These reliable and consistent measures of economic activity are essential to the informed decisionmaking of policymakers, business leaders and every American household. The success of our statistical programs, in large part, is determined by your trust in the quality of our data. As one of the world's leading statistical agencies, we are dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of the economy.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Provides information on inflation and prices, spending and time use, unemployment, employment, pay and benefits, productivity, workplace injuries, international, regional offices, at a glance tables, research, statistics, demographics, industries, business costs, occupations, geography, and more.
Census Bureau
The Census Bureau serves as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, share our expertise globally, and conduct our work openly. We are guided on this mission by our strong and capable workforce, our readiness to innovate, and our abiding commitment to our customers.
Congressional Budget Office
CBO's mandate is to provide the Congress with objective, nonpartisan, and timely analyses to aid in economic and budgetary decisions on the wide array of programs covered by the federal budget and the information and estimates required for the Congressional budget process.
Department of Labor:
The Department of Labor fosters and promotes the welfare of the job seekers, wage earners, and retirees of the United States by improving their working conditions, advancing their opportunities for profitable employment, protecting their retirement and health care benefits, helping employers find workers, strengthening free collective bargaining, and tracking changes in employment, prices, and other national economic measurements. In carrying out this mission, the Department administers a variety of Federal labor laws including those that guarantee workers’ rights to safe and healthful working conditions; a minimum hourly wage and overtime pay; freedom from employment discrimination; unemployment insurance; and other income support.
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Includes information about EEO, the EEOC, discrimination, filing a charge of discrimination, law, regulations, and guidance, employers and the EEOC, statistics, federal agencies and employees, litigation, and more.
Federal Labor Relations Authority
The FLRA is an independent administrative federal agency that was created by Title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (also known as the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute) (the Statute). The Statute allows certain non-postal federal employees to organize, bargain collectively, and to participate through labor organizations of their choice in decisions affecting their working lives. The primary statutory responsibilities of the FLRA include: (1) resolving complaints of unfair labor practices,(2) determining the appropriateness of units for labor organization representation, (3) adjudicating exceptions to arbitrator's awards, (4) adjudicating legal issues relating to duty to bargain/negotiability, and (5) resolving impasses during negotiations.
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Since 1947, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service has provided mediation and arbitration services to industry, our communities, and government agencies worldwide. Our mission is to improve labor management relations, to promote collective bargaining, and to enhance organizational effectiveness. Explore this site to learn who we are, what we do, and how we can assist you.
Federal Reserve Board:
The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible and stable monetary and financial system.
Federal Trade Commission:
As a consumer or business person, you may be more familiar with the work of the Federal Trade Commission than you think.
The FTC deals with issues that touch the economic life of every American. It is the only federal agency with both consumer protection and competition jurisdiction in broad sectors of the economy. The FTC pursues vigorous and effective law enforcement; advances consumers’ interests by sharing its expertise with federal and state legislatures and U.S. and international government agencies; develops policy and research tools through hearings, workshops, and conferences; and creates practical and plain-language educational programs for consumers and businesses in a global marketplace with constantly changing technologies.
International Child Labor Program:
The Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT) is part of the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB). The office was created in 1993 in response to a request from Congress to investigate and report on child labor around the world. As domestic and international concern about child labor grew, OCFT’s activities significantly expanded. Today, these activities include research on international child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking; funding and overseeing cooperative agreements and contracts to organizations engaged in efforts to eliminate exploitive child labor around the world; and assisting in the development and implementation of U.S. government policy on international child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking issues.
International Trade Administration:
Welcome to trade.gov, the Web site of the International Trade Administration (ITA) of the Department of Commerce! ITA's mission is to create prosperity by strengthening the competitiveness of U.S. industry, promoting trade and investment, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements. Trade.gov provides you access to ITA's valuable information and services regarding U.S. international trade policy.
Merit Systems Protection Board:
Welcome to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). MSPB serves as an independent, bipartisan guardian of the merit systems under which Federal employees work. Merit-based civil service rules are essential to ensuring that Federal civil servants are well qualified to perform their jobs and are able to serve the public free from management abuse and partisan political pressure.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health:
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness. NIOSH is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services.
National Labor Relations Board
The National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1935 to administer the National Labor Relations Act, the primary law governing relations between unions and employers in the private sector. The statute guarantees the right of employees to organize and to bargain collectively with their employers, and to engage in other protected concerted activity with or without a union, or to refrain from all such activity.
National Mediation Board:
The National Mediation Board (NMB), established by the 1934 amendments to the Railway Labor Act of 1926, is an independent agency that performs a central role in facilitating harmonious labor-management relations within two of the nation's key transportation modes--the railroads and airlines. Pursuant to the Railway Labor Act, NMB programs provide an integrated dispute resolution process to effectively meet the statutory objective of minimizing work stoppages in the airline and railroad industries.
Occupational Heath and Safety Administration
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration aims to ensure employee safety and health in the United States by working with employers and employees to create better working environments. Since its inception in 1971, OSHA has helped to cut workplace fatalities by more than 60 percent and occupational injury and illness rates by 40 percent. At the same time, U.S. employment has increased from 56 million employees at 3.5 million worksites to more than 135 million employees at 8.9 million sites.
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
The Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) is an independent Federal agency created to decide contests of citations or penalties resulting from OSHA inspections of American work places. The Review Commission, therefore, functions as an administrative court, with established procedures for conducting hearings, receiving evidence and rendering decisions by its Administrative Law Judges (ALJs).
Office of Disability Employment Policy
The Office of Disability Employment Policy provides national leadership by developing and influencing disability-related employment policy and practice affecting the employment of people with disabilities.
Office of Personnel Management:
President George W. Bush has directed each Federal department and agency to develop a comprehensive preparedness plan in the event this country experiences a pandemic influenza outbreak. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has been tasked with leading two initiatives in the Implementation Plan for the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza - providing guidance on human capital management and COOP planning criteria, and updating telework guides.
Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
The Office of Workers' Compensation Programs administers four major disability compensation programs which provide wage replacement benefits, medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation and other benefits to certain workers or their dependents who experience work-related injury or occupational disease.
Social Security Administration
The official website of the U.S. Social Security Administration offers information on retirement, survivors, disability, supplemental security income, Medicare, and more.
U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee
Site includes information about hearings and studies on IMF and international economic policy, Federal Reserve policy and inflation targeting, taxation, federal expenditures, energy, insurance and tort reform, economic conditions, technology, and more.
U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce
For generations, America has been a leader in the global economy, thanks to the drive and innovative spirit of America's workers. But over the last five years, middle class families have lost ground despite overall economic growth, finding themselves squeezed between shrinking paychecks and bigger bills for basic items like housing, healthcare, college tuition, and energy. The mission of this committee is simple: Strengthening America's middle class.
U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
The U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions has a broad jurisdiction over the operation of our country’s health care, schools, employment and retirement programs. This website is an important resource to be used to monitor the activities and actions of the Committee.
Wage and Hour Division
ESA's Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is responsible for enforcing some of our nation’s most comprehensive federal labor laws on topics, including the minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, youth employment and special employment, family and medical leave, migrant workers, lie detector tests, worker protections in certain temporary worker programs, and the prevailing wages for government service and construction contracts.
Women's Bureau
The Women's Bureau promotes 21st Century solutions to improve the status of working women and their families. Better Jobs! Better Earnings! Better Living!