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Database Help: Finding Books and Ebooks

The Cleary U. Library facilitates access to almost 30 (mostly academic) databases. Which one should you use? How can you get the most out of using the databases? This guide will help you answer those questions!

Accessing Ebooks

As an affiliate of Cleary University, you have over 350,000 ebooks at your fingertips!  There are three main collections you can search:

The quickest and easiest way to use ebooks is to read them online.  This means, you simply open the PDF (or other file type) and look at a specific chapter or page that interests you, flipping through the "page" just like a print book.  Each book will offer you options to copy, download, or print a specific number of pages.  See below for more information.

How to Read eBooks from Ebsco (Mel)

When you're reading an ebook online (as opposed to downloading the ebook) you will find information provided by the ebook publisher outlining how you may use the book:  how many pages you can download or copy & paste, for example.  (Each book will have unique permissions!)

Publisher permissions to ebook readers.

How to Read eBooks from ProQuest

The options allowed by publishers are different for each book.  In ProQuest Ebook Central, they are presented as you see in the example here:


ProQuest ebook central options set by publisher